Meskipun Laser Hair Reduction adalah salah satu prosedur kosmetik non-bedah yang paling sering dilakukan, ada mitos tertentu seputar perawatan ini. Yang membuat kami memutuskan untuk membersihkan udara tentang beberapa kepercayaan yang salah tentang Pengurangan Rambut Laser dan mengapa harus menjadi prosedur perawatan kulit mulus tanpa rambut.
Mitos 1: Laser Hair Reduction menyebabkan rambut tumbuh lebih padat dan sering.
Fact: Laser Hair Reduction doesn't cause the hair to grow denser. In fact with each treatment, there is a visible reduction in the density, thickness and growth rate of hair. The hair that does grow back is much finer and lighter than before.
Myth 2: Laser Hair Reduction is not safe.
Fact: Laser Hair Reduction is absolutely safe, provided the procedure is done by a trained aesthetician, under the supervision of a qualified dermatologist with the right parameters according to your complexion, type of hair and body part to be lased, to avoid problems during and after the Laser Hair Reduction process.
Myth 3: Laser Hair Reduction exposes you to radiation and can increase the chances of skin cancers.
Fact: Hair Reduction Lasers do not emit radiations and are therefore absolutely safe for everyone. There is no evidence of increased chances of skin cancers with Laser Hair Reduction.
Myth 4: One can get permanent hair reduction in just one sitting.
Fact: Laser energy damages the follicles in the growing phase (anagen). Several treatments are needed to target ALL hair in the active growth phase. About 6 to 8 sessions are recommended to get significant hair reduction. Depending upon hair type, genetic factors and underlying hormonal issues some clients may require additional treatments beyond these initial treatments.
Myth 5: Laser Hair Reduction Treatment causes burns.
Fact: This is very rare and may happen in dark skin, but like we said earlier if the procedure is done under the supervision of a qualified dermatologist, the chances are very less. Your dermatologist will give you some pre and post-treatment medications to avoid such side effect.
Myth 6: Laser Hair Reduction is very painful to handle.
Fact: Some patients feel a pinprick sensation that can cause a minute discomfort. But Laser Hair Reduction is not very painful. In fact, the latest technologies are much less painful than waxing.
Myth 7: Laser Hair Reduction is very costly compared to other hair removing methods like waxing.
Fact: It's easier to believe that waxing is cheaper as compared to Laser Hair Reduction because waxing costs less if we go by the cost of one session. However, in the long run, Laser treatment is much more economical and effective at the same time. And it's not just about the investment of money but also the time and energy that you need to invest in order to get your monthly waxing sessions. Let's take an example - in 20 years a woman will spend around INR 2,40,000 only for waxing their arms. Whereas with the laser you can get away with arm hair only for a few thousand and as you already know the results will be long-lasting.
Myth 8: Laser Hair Reduction is done only for women.
Fact: It used to be that hair reduction was strictly a female thing. Not so anymore. More and more men are opting for Laser Hair Reduction to get finer and lighter hair. Beard shaping, chest, neck, back, arms etc. are favored sites for Laser Hair Reduction in men.
Myth 9: Laser Hair Reduction can be done in beauty parlors.
Fact: Laser hair reduction can go very wrong and lead to irreversible damages like scarring if done by an untrained individual with substandard machines. The best way is to talk to a certified dermatologist regarding Laser Hair Reduction for you. Moreover, if a wrong laser treatment is done or wrong settings of the laser are chosen, it might cause various side effects such as discoloration of the skin, redness on the treated area, pain and sometimes scarring. Also, if performed by an untrained professional the treatment might not bring out the required/optimum results.
Myth 10: You can't get Laser Hair Reduction treatment in summer.
Fact: Laser Hair Reduction is safe for all seasons. Your dermatologist will give you pre and post laser instruction for safer treatments and longer hair free periods.
Mitos 11: Laser Hair Reduction membuat kulit menjadi gelap.
Fakta: Laser Hair Reduction tidak membuat kulit menjadi gelap. Sinar laser hanya menargetkan melanin di folikel rambut. Aplikasi tabir surya adalah suatu keharusan. Perawatan harus dilakukan di bawah pengawasan dokter kulit untuk menghindari efek samping.
Mitos 12: Rambut tumbuh kembali setelah 10 tahun Laser Hair Reduction.
Fakta: Ini adalah mitos karena ketika kita melakukan laser, kita menghancurkan folikel rambut sehingga tidak ada kemungkinan rambut tumbuh kembali kecuali ada masalah hormon yang tidak terdiagnosis.
Mitos 13: Saya tidak bisa menghadiri fungsi segera setelah Laser Hair Reduction
Fakta: Ada kemerahan ringan setelah prosedur yang seharusnya mereda dalam setengah jam dan Anda baik untuk pergi.
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Dadu Medical Centre
Vasant Vihar
A2/6 Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, 110057, India
Rajouri Garden
J-12/25, First Floor, Rajouri Garden New Delhi -110027, India
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Disclaimer: The content on this website ( is solely for the purpose of educating and creating awareness about the domain i.e. Laser. This shall not be treated as a substitute to a professional dermatologist's advice or prescription. There is no guarantee of specific results and the results for any treatment mentioned on the website may vary, as every individual and their skin conditions are different.